91.   A political settlement was outlined in a recent letter from King Norodom Sihanouk to the government in which the king conveyed demands from Khmer Rouge nominal leader Khieu Samphan.

92.   And insiders said the Korean ambassador to France told the OECD Secretariat in a recent letter that Korea plans to table its application by year-end.

93.   Boukrouh based his assertion on three recent letters sent by senior FIS officials to Algerian President Liamine Zeroual, in which they voiced contradictory strategies.

94.   Clinton put forward the idea of the talks in recent letters to regional leaders but McCurry said he was uncertain whether a regional summit would result.

95.   Kubo told a news conference that US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin had requested in a recent letter that the two countries hold high-level talks on the insurance issue.

96.   The message, whose contents were not revealed, was a reply to a recent letter from Kohl concerning tensions between Iran and Germany.

97.   The message, whose contents were not revealed, was a reply to a recent letter from Kohl concerning tensions in ties between Iran and Germany.

a. + letter >>共 1005
warning 3.11%
anonymous 2.82%
threatening 2.51%
similar 2.18%
angry 2.07%
suspicious 2.05%
recent 2.01%
personal 1.99%
first 1.99%
fund-raising 1.85%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
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month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
letter 0.12%
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