91.   The rating agencies seem conciliatory toward Lehman.

92.   The rating agencies were late in detecting problems in other cases, such as the failure of Lincoln Savings and Loan, critics say.

93.   The rating agency also maintained its grading on debt issued by Mexican state-owned companies.

94.   The U.S. rating agency cautioned that PLDT must win regulatory approval to charge higher domestic rates and begin metering local calls to offset the drop in international revenue.

95.   Their portfolios are dominated by issues which, for one reason or another, have been deemed substandard by the bond rating agencies.

96.   There can always be surprises, but the rating agencies are quite good at categorizing bonds.

97.   They said bond holders and rating agencies need to be assured that passage of the measure will not jeopardize the departments and their financial standing.

98.   Wall Street hammered its stock, and most rating agencies downgraded its debt to junk status.

99.   While it boosted the stock, the repurchase left bond rating agencies concerned.

100.   With Fiat Auto bleeding badly, Fiat and Fresco have had to struggle to raise cash to service debt, or risk a downgrading by rating agencies.

a. + agency >>共 565
federal 16.42%
state 6.93%
advertising 4.21%
international 4.10%
new 3.51%
regulatory 3.24%
independent 2.24%
the 1.74%
humanitarian 1.72%
rating 1.66%
rating + n. >>共 145
system 31.77%
agency 23.83%
company 3.85%
service 3.13%
point 2.53%
scale 2.29%
firm 1.81%
outlook 1.44%
downgrade 1.44%
change 1.44%
每页显示:    共 197