91.   Growing numbers of teachers have been quitting school for more lucrative jobs at foreign-invested companies or in private enterprise.

92.   He did have notions of becoming a director, but ended up quitting film school to pursue a career as a jazz bassist.

93.   He quit school after the seventh grade for vocational training.

94.   I had quit school.

95.   Hoping to provide for his family, Chui quit school and worked odd jobs around Chinatown, Hsu said.

96.   I quit school after the fourth grade.

97.   Like many young girls she had to quit school in her early teens to help support her parents and nine siblings.

98.   Many students quit school because their parents could not afford the tuition fees, said Gito without giving data.

99.   She quit school after the eighth grade.

100.   The determined teen quit school.

v. + school >>共 860
attend 14.20%
close 7.29%
leave 5.99%
visit 2.93%
build 2.14%
enter 2.08%
start 2.06%
run 1.89%
improve 1.64%
quit 1.41%
quit + n. >>共 342
job 21.14%
post 4.86%
school 4.27%
team 3.71%
race 3.40%
party 2.96%
politics 2.77%
government 2.69%
game 2.49%
sport 1.98%
每页显示:    共 107