91.   The military has confined Suu Kyi to her home since the protests erupted.

92.   The protests erupted after months of sparring between Chavez and business leaders, labor, the news media and the Roman Catholic Church.

93.   The protest erupted after authorities trying to remove Megawati Sukarnoputri as head of the Indonesian Democratic Party raided a sit-in by her supporters at its headquarters.

94.   The protest erupted Thursday in anger over new rules banning pedicabs from downtown Zigong, a depressed industrial center in Sichuan province.

95.   The protests erupted sporadically across the vast square in central Beijing.

96.   The protest erupted after Beijing last April banned displays of photos of the Dalai Lama at monasteries and temples.

97.   The regional capital Tizi-Ouzou saw a third day of violence, and protests erupted Saturday in several cities.

98.   There is concern that Palestinian protests could erupt over a closure of the compound.

99.   To the dismay of some Arab governments, pro-Iraq protests erupted in Tunisia, Sudan, Yemen and Libya.

100.   Thus it appeared the Thai government had cleared the last hurdle in moving to complete the pipeline within this year, although other protests may still erupt.

n. + erupt >>共 518
violence 10.83%
thunderstorm 7.70%
clash 7.08%
protest 3.15%
riot 3.04%
battle 2.94%
crisis 2.74%
fire 2.69%
gunfire 2.35%
scandal 2.16%
protest + v. >>共 412
be 24.52%
continue 4.48%
come 3.91%
take 3.84%
begin 3.81%
erupt 3.39%
end 3.02%
turn 2.82%
spread 1.91%
follow 1.88%
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