91.   KEDO will select a prime contractor to carry out the project.

92.   KEPCO selected GE, which was prime contractor on Seinchon blocks one and two, as the top bidder on the project in August of this year.

93.   Lockheed Martin was chosen in October as the sole prime contractor for the JSF program to build the next-generation fighter for both the United States and Britain.

94.   Motorola Satellite Communications Group is the prime contractor.

95.   NASA plans to choose a single prime contractor for space shuttle operations and consolidate all work under that company, Goldin said.

96.   Shelly said South Korea would remain the prime contractor, but that Russia was willing to take on some of the work.

97.   The prime contractor for the Dutch navy programme is Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V.

98.   The prime contractor for the light-water reactor project is South Korean.

a. + contractor >>共 349
private 11.08%
independent 10.21%
military 6.69%
general 5.39%
building 4.87%
prime 4.26%
outside 3.48%
main 3.26%
local 3.00%
federal 2.56%
prime + n. >>共 620
suspect 11.09%
minister 9.44%
target 7.95%
example 7.93%
candidate 4.00%
contractor 2.28%
location 1.60%
concern 1.56%
spot 1.51%
reason 1.44%
每页显示:    共 97