91.   Merchant power generators are buying each other at bargain prices, rather than rushing to build new plants.

92.   Mirant ranks in the top five U.S. electric power generators.

93.   Most analysts think that the power generators will be first in line.

94.   New power generators would compete for retail customers with established utilities, and businesses and consumers could choose their power suppliers.

95.   Nothing will change with competition, except now you will sign a power contract directly with the power generator or a broker working on its behalf.

96.   On both sites, the power generator comes with a small flashlight that can be squeezed into action in an emergency.

97.   One executive, Gary Stern, director of market monitoring for Southern California Edison, wanted the agency to stop what he suspected were market abuses by power generators.

98.   One would own the transmission lines and assess a pass-through charge on anyone selling electricity, one would be a power retailer and one would be a power generator.

99.   Power generators are fighting such moves, arguing that price caps are contrary to the spirit of deregulation and discourage energy companies from investing in new power plants.

100.   Power generators, for their part, say their profits, however large, were earned fairly.

n. + generator >>共 113
power 33.70%
oxygen 14.98%
electricity 11.35%
diesel 6.76%
steam 4.59%
wind 2.05%
pulse 1.81%
revenue 1.81%
back-up 1.45%
turbine 1.21%
power + n. >>共 531
struggle 8.54%
line 8.11%
company 5.66%
outage 4.34%
supply 3.73%
base 2.61%
cut 2.28%
failure 2.28%
generation 2.20%
generator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 277