91.   As for long-term complications, some patients develop varying degrees of corneal haze.

92.   But after four other patients all developed complications and died, U.S. authorities said artificial hearts could only be used while doctors searched for transplants.

93.   But why the patients developed the antibodies was not clear, Casadevall said.

94.   Despite resuscitation, the patient developed chest pains and died Monday about two hours after the operation began, public Grantham Hospital said in a statement.

95.   However, six patients developed a mild form of vasospasms in arteries farther away from where the pellets were inserted.

96.   In acute chest syndrome, patients develop severe chest pain, fever, cough, pneumonia and shallow, rapid breathing.

97.   Lyme disease causes fatigue, fever and joint pain that can persist for weeks, and some patients develop severe arthritis.

98.   Nine patients have developed signs of infection, while the remaining four had yet to develop symptoms.

99.   Patients eventually develop a resistance to AIDS drugs, so doctors are obliged to rotate the type of medication.

100.   Rhabdomyolysis can cause severe muscle pain, most frequently in the calves and lower back, and occasionally is so severe that patients develop potentially fatal kidney failure.

n. + develop >>共 1756
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patient + v. >>共 801
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