91.   But hours later, the secretary of state said that monitors, whose presence Israel opposes, could be used only if they were agreed to by both parties.

92.   But he cautioned that no precooked deal exists and the negotiations could still fail unless the parties agree to compromise on remaining territorial and constitutional disputes.

93.   But it remains uncertain whether the largest Protestant political party, the Ulster Unionist Party led by David Trimble, will agree to negotiate with Sinn Fein.

94.   But that measure is unusual, in that Republicans inherited the bill from Democrats and both political parties agree on many principles.

95.   But the problem, all parties agree, is trying to establish a clear link between Frank Sr., his drawings, Kane, and D.C. Comics.

96.   But there was no written accord, and afterward the parties could not agree on exactly what they had pledged to do.

97.   But this is the first time the parties have agreed to break off the fighting in the context of a mutually accepted framework for final peace.

98.   But the two parties could simply agree to push their entire primary season back by a month or more.

99.   Caterpillar has won the battle, all parties agreed, and it is not clear if and when it will take back all the strikers.

100.   Democrats predicted few in their ranks would go along with the GOP bill, though both parties generally agree there should be a drop in tax rates.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
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