91.   Two years ago, partisan fighting between the Democrats and the new Republican congressional majority scuttled a continuing resolution and led to two partial shutdowns of the government.

92.   We look at the impact of a partial shutdown.

93.   When that measure expired, the first partial shutdown began.

94.   Partial shutdowns Monday occurred at plants in Michigan and Ohio.

95.   Partial shutdowns occurred Tuesday at plants in Michigan and Ohio.

96.   High domoic acid levels prompted a partial shutdown of mussel harvesting along Prince Edward Island in Canada last month.

97.   In the end, officials on all sides rushed to declare the American people the winners in the end of the partial shutdown.

98.   The federal government was in the fourth day of a partial shutdown that idled a quarter-million workers.

99.   The Daschle letter led to the partial shutdown of the Capitol, the closing of congressional office buildings and testing of hundreds of employees.

100.   The government braced for imminent partial shutdown as President Clinton vetoed one budget bill and prepared to reject another in a fiscal standoff with Republicans.

a. + shutdown >>共 169
partial 18.07%
temporary 8.12%
federal 6.72%
second 2.66%
automatic 2.52%
complete 2.52%
latest 1.96%
first 1.82%
previous 1.82%
possible 1.82%
partial + n. >>共 733
government 4.03%
withdrawal 3.76%
shutdown 3.49%
result 3.28%
privatization 2.44%
nudity 2.36%
victory 2.33%
tear 2.14%
sunshine 1.87%
birth 1.52%
每页显示:    共 128