91.   Armed guards blocked roads leading to the building and checked all vehicles but there were no obvious signs of departures.

92.   Before surgery, the volunteers showed no obvious signs that their cancer had spread.

93.   But it also shows obvious signs of prosperity.

94.   But they said there were no obvious signs of neglect -- no screams or other loud noises coming from the house.

95.   Even so, there were obvious signs that security had been tightened outside the U.S. Embassy in Accra, where more police than usual were on patrol.

96.   Frankfurt police refused to comment on additional security measures in the city Wednesday, although there were few obvious signs in the streets.

97.   In an obvious sign of his many years away, Abdullah appears more at ease speaking English than formal Arabic.

98.   Klaiber said he believed the council, or loya jirga, was operating under democratic procedures but there were obvious signs of international pressure.

99.   Lalita comes in one day with obvious signs of having been beaten and, disillusioned, leaves behind the spices Tilo gives her.

100.   People were injured both in and out of the consulate, fire officials at the scene said, although there was no obvious sign of carnage outside.

a. + sign >>共 992
first 7.30%
warning 5.83%
little 5.06%
good 4.30%
positive 3.46%
encouraging 3.11%
clear 2.96%
early 2.94%
latest 2.22%
new 2.10%
obvious 1.28%
obvious + n. >>共 1159
reason 6.17%
choice 3.71%
sign 2.56%
question 2.38%
candidate 2.07%
way 2.05%
problem 1.78%
example 1.78%
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