91.   China has said some two million poison gas shells were left in the northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning by the Japanese military.

92.   Chinese authorities in northeastern Liaoning province have executed three criminals, including the director of a county grain bureau, for embezzlement, the China Business Times said Tuesday.

93.   Fernando was once the top civil administrator in the northern Jaffna peninsula and also the governor of the Tamil-majority Northeastern province.

94.   The Spanish embassy affair triggered a major crackdown on North Korean refugees living in its northeastern Chinese provinces.

95.   The refugees are being taken to camps in Dadaab in northeastern province and Kakuma in the northern Rift Valley province.

96.   This prompted China to launch a two-day joint forces maneouvre off the cost of northeastern Liaoning province in mid-September.

97.   Until Thursday, however, the attacks had remained confined to isolated centres in northeastern Afghan Badakhshan province.

98.   Unidentified assailants abducted the Roman Catholic priest, Zacharie Nduwimana, on Thursday at Mukoni in the northeastern Muyinga province when he was with a group of seminary pupils.

99.   Unknown to the scientific community, the possible new species has apparently been present in the remote northeastern Cambodian provinces of Rattankiri and Mondulkiri for centuries.

100.   Johuri Islami daily, quoting a police official, said the Afghans were all rounded up in northeastern Khorasan province, bordering Afghanistan.

a. + province >>共 497
renegade 13.37%
southern 10.14%
eastern 5.36%
breakaway 4.40%
serbian 3.69%
northern 3.65%
central 3.17%
troubled 3.05%
western 2.10%
yugoslav 1.60%
northeastern 1.50%
northeastern + n. >>共 211
state 28.15%
province 8.10%
city 7.31%
region 6.66%
part 3.47%
town 3.18%
coast 2.10%
border 1.95%
district 1.95%
port 1.88%
每页显示:    共 111