91.   Concert organiser Jojo Entertainment said it had not decided on the new venue for the concert.

92.   Delegates will also decide on a new venue for the next conference and the next chairman.

93.   Earlier plans had called for the meeting to be held in Salzburg, Austria, but the new venue has not been selected.

94.   FIFA will be meeting to discuss the possibility of a new venue next Wednesday and Thursday in Zurich.

95.   The new venue would definitely not be Hong Kong, Hearn said.

96.   The statements capped two days of here that allowed relations between the two countries to advance and opened new venues of contacts at a higher level.

97.   The Supreme Court accepted the petition but has yet to nominate a new venue.

98.   Vogts said the new venue at Prestbury, near Manchester, was even worse.

99.   Israel state radio said Rabin and Peres were to meet Tuesday to try to arrange a new venue with the Palestinians.

100.   Nigeria and Cameroon have been asked to cut the size of their delegations in view of anticipated shortage in accommodation at the new venue, the sources said.

a. + venue >>共 508
olympic 10.58%
new 5.37%
same 4.75%
neutral 3.83%
possible 2.20%
alternative 2.10%
different 1.94%
major 1.69%
popular 1.38%
main 1.23%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
venue 0.04%
每页显示:    共 104