91.   Rather, the national assembly can only start the process of repealing the ban.

92.   Shattuck met with the prime minister, the president of the national assembly, diplomats and aid workers.

93.   Six candidates of the Bosnian Serb Radical party were removed from the lists for the national assembly of the Serb-run half of Bosnia.

94.   Since the beginning of the year, the main Tutsi opposition party has forced the resignations of both the speaker of the national assembly and the prime minister.

95.   Suharto was reappointed to a seventh term unanimously by a national assembly in March.

96.   The ANC, which wants a strong central government, controls the national constitutional assembly which is expected to complete its work next year.

97.   The draft law is expected to be introduced into the national assembly next week.

98.   The Evangelical Lutheran national assembly agreed to share clergy, sacraments and mission projects, and to act jointly on major church issues.

99.   The deal would require military leader Pierre Buyoya to restore the national assembly with its original membership, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

100.   The deputy speaker of the Hungarian national assembly is under fire from fellow deputies and the Jewish community for an anti-Semitic remark made in parliament.

a. + assembly >>共 417
national 13.30%
state 6.74%
new 6.21%
provincial 3.30%
local 3.30%
final 3.22%
parliamentary 2.76%
special 2.68%
regional 2.41%
constitutional 2.15%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
assembly 0.59%
每页显示:    共 345