91.   His Web site, for instance, slams most media outlets, including The Chronicle, for too much coverage of the opening of Pac Bell Park.

92.   His lawyer said he has an agreement with a major media outlet to provide his story exclusively to it.

93.   His least-favorite media outlet is CBS TV, which refused to hire him because of his remarks.

94.   Hundreds of calls stream into media outlets from frustrated voters who say they accidentally voted for Buchanan instead of Gore because of the confusing Palm Beach County ballot.

95.   If the documents that are making the rounds are authentic, we can only guess how the various media outlets might have obtained them.

96.   I searched Web sites of their hometown media outlets and found short news stories about the accident.

97.   In addition to its own stories, the service carries those by mainstream media outlets.

98.   In addition, lawmakers agreed to ease ownership limits for TV networks so they can acquire more media outlets throughout the country.

99.   In October Joyner set his crosshairs on CompUSA, a national computer retailer he criticized for failing to advertise in black media outlets.

100.   In other words, media outlets that are always charging marketers for commercial time and ad space are now paying the marketers for platform time and program space.

n. + outlet >>共 269
medium 25.44%
retail 20.09%
news 10.81%
fast-food 3.71%
cable 2.57%
food 2.07%
television 1.91%
power 1.86%
factory 1.58%
entertainment 1.47%
medium + n. >>共 677
report 10.66%
company 5.60%
attention 5.19%
coverage 4.39%
outlet 3.32%
magnate 1.66%
group 1.59%
organization 1.55%
campaign 1.45%
mogul 1.41%
每页显示:    共 463