91.   Magistrate Amir Affendi Hamzah made the order following an application by defence counsel Karpal Singh as the victim was not present for the hearing today.

92.   Nujoma made the orders Thursday at the opening of a ruling Congress in Windheok, local media reported.

93.   Ohen Suharna of the Hortensia florist in the popular Kebayoran Baru flower center of Barito checked on several of his clients who had not made orders this year.

94.   Some retailers are also making fewer orders.

95.   The distinctive aspect of the MOS Burger is that each is made fresh when the customer makes the order.

96.   The law drafters of old had empowered the criminal courts to make compensation orders, through a provision in the Criminal Procedure Code which still stands today.

97.   The government made the order on advice from the preservation agency English Heritage, which had placed the house on its register of historic buildings at risk.

98.   The order was made in the Industrial Commission in Adelaide on Friday after the company refused to voluntarily hand over the documents.

99.   The judge issued no restrictions on his movements and made no order that he seek psychiatric help.

100.   Then in High Court chambers on Monday, the judge made an order suppressing publication of anything that may lead to the man being identified.

v. + order >>共 409
restore 8.70%
issue 7.30%
place 4.61%
give 4.52%
take 3.92%
follow 3.38%
maintain 2.99%
receive 2.97%
ignore 2.34%
have 2.05%
make 1.06%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
order 0.07%
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