91.   In addition to managing mail delivery, Potter has been in charge of planning and processing, engineering, facilities, labor relations and network operations management.

92.   Israel said Thursday it has signed an accord with the Palestinians that will speed up mail deliveries to the Palestinian territories.

93.   It also shut down government offices and post offices, hobbling mail delivery and other services.

94.   It recently announced cutbacks and may end some Saturday mail delivery.

95.   Mail deliveries were scaled down in rural areas.

96.   Mail delivery nationwide was slow because of a strike at the main distribution center.

97.   Mail delivery was suspended Saturday in parts of Iowa and Illinois.

98.   Many hospitals have had to cut back to emergency-only service, kindergartens have been closed and mail delivery has been scaled down in rural areas.

99.   Mail delivery on Capitol Hill has been suspended even longer.

100.   Mail delivery was scaled down in rural areas because of fuel concerns.

n. + delivery >>共 262
aid 12.50%
mail 12.34%
food 7.65%
arm 4.19%
oil 2.47%
pizza 2.38%
fuel 2.06%
gas 2.06%
drug 1.89%
package 1.81%
mail + n. >>共 289
fraud 12.27%
message 9.35%
delivery 8.11%
service 6.81%
room 4.32%
system 4.27%
facility 3.14%
box 2.92%
center 2.38%
bomb 2.05%
每页显示:    共 149