91.   Although standard jihad training prepared recruits for ground combat, the line between guerrilla and terrorist could often grow fuzzy.

92.   Also, the thin line between blues and gospel is obvious on Calvary by Richard Smallwood and Vision.

93.   Although the typical movie star employs both, in practice the dividing line between agent and manager is, like much the movies, fantasy.

94.   Alton L. Goff and Alfredo Martinez Orantes only want to know exactly where that emotionally charged line between the United States and Mexico really is.

95.   Also, any underlying message about the dangers of blurring lines between reality and fiction is lost in the red haze of just another bloodbath.

96.   American Jews always have had to navigate a difficult line between living their faith and finding space in US society.

97.   And he is careful not to cross the line between a generalization and outright racism.

98.   An NBC-owned talk show is offering marketers the chance to buy guest spots for their products and executives, further blurring the line between programming and advertising.

99.   And as the line between education and business grows fuzzier, there is little agreement about the best way to teach economics.

100.   And at a popular level, publication could for some end up blurring the line between what the church considers to be revealed truth and what it does not.

n. + between >>共 678
talk 4.69%
relationship 3.77%
link 3.47%
tension 3.40%
meeting 3.26%
gap 2.35%
agreement 2.08%
tie 2.00%
negotiation 2.00%
cooperation 1.96%
line 1.54%
line + p. >>共 86
in 13.59%
for 13.04%
between 12.31%
with 10.21%
at 7.43%
to 7.27%
on 6.68%
from 4.55%
by 2.19%
as 1.74%
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