91.   Several state legislators have said they will now seek to have the state government supervise the administration of party primaries, as is done in almost every other state.

92.   Several Democratic legislators said the Republicans seemed to be softening their oratory about the need for election reform, particularly to spending money to upgrade the system.

93.   Several legislators said they were building enough support for the two-thirds margin in Congress needed to override the veto.

94.   Several state legislators said they expected the number of proposals for using the money to grow in the next few weeks.

95.   So far, though, movement has been slow, and many state legislators say they are skeptical that Congress will ever yield significant authority over many spending programs.

96.   Some black legislators said Hodges has dragged his feet on the flag issue.

97.   Some legislators say the changes are illegal, though no court challenge has been mounted.

98.   Some legislators say the issue may be serious enough to warrant the resignations of Matos Azocar and Casas Gonzalez.

99.   Some legislators say the tobacco money should be spent only on health programs, while Gov. Gray Davis wants the money to go for general state spending.

100.   Some legislators say the greatest impact of the strong leadership system is deep cynicism among voters, who view their Legislature with growing disrespect and distrust, polls suggest.

n. + say >>共 480
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analyst 4.36%
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spokesman 3.05%
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
legislator 0.08%
legislator + v. >>共 621
say 10.22%
be 7.80%
have 2.50%
call 2.21%
vote 2.15%
want 1.98%
accuse 1.49%
pass 1.26%
take 1.12%
approve 1.09%
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