91.   It consists of PNC delegates, members of the Palestinian legislative council and the PLO Executive Committee, among others.

92.   It was also attended by members of the PLO executive committee and the deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council.

93.   It should distance itself from the decision makers in legislative councils unless individually elected by the people.

94.   Later Monday, members of the Palestinian legislative council planned to protest against the congressional resolution in a rally outside the U.S. Consulate in east Jerusalem.

95.   Later Thursday, Ahern addressed the Palestinian legislative council in Gaza City.

96.   Later Wednesday, Chirac was to speak before the Palestinian legislative council, the first foreign leader to do so.

97.   Legislator Hassan Khreisheh said Arafat told the legislative council that he would never sign the law, giving as one reason that it provided for a separation of powers.

98.   Kuttab broadcasts legislative council sessions live on the educational television channel of Al Quds University, where he is dean of the College of Modern Media.

99.   Legislative council to debate new Cabinet.

100.   Lilik is the third daughter of Alip Pandoyo, the chairman of the Central Java legislative council as well as a Golkar leader in the province.

a. + council >>共 426
local 11.13%
legislative 7.04%
palestinian 5.25%
new 4.80%
central 4.44%
advisory 3.94%
municipal 3.89%
ruling 2.93%
electoral 2.88%
tribal 2.60%
legislative + n. >>共 850
election 11.19%
leader 6.42%
session 6.31%
council 3.70%
agendum 2.81%
process 2.32%
action 2.24%
approval 2.12%
proposal 2.00%
body 1.74%
每页显示:    共 277