91.   The government has ordered the security forces to launch an inquiry despite calls by human rights groups for an independent probe.

92.   The FA said it had launched an inquiry into the incident and its report would be on its way to UEFA headquarters in Switzerland next week.

93.   The ILO committee blasted the Peruvian government for failing to investigate the murders and urged it to launch inquiries into allegations of torture, police brutality and anti-union activity.

94.   The Football Association, which has already started investigations into the Cardiff and Chelsea incidents, is set to launch an inquiry into the Millwall disturbances.

95.   The EU head office said Friday it will launch an inquiry into whether dominant telecoms operators in the European Union are charging fair prices for international phone calls.

96.   The English and Italian soccer Federations also launched an inquiry into the case.

97.   The Israeli army launched an inquiry Wednesday into a friendly fire incident that killed one Israeli soldier and wounded two others in South Lebanon.

98.   The government has launched an inquiry into the outbreak.

99.   The government has ordered its security forces to launch an inquiry despite calls by human rights groups for an independent inquiry.

100.   The inquiry was launched after many victims living in the area of the disaster complained of chronic illnesses they blamed on the cargo.

v. + inquiry >>共 311
open 8.44%
launch 8.41%
make 7.17%
conduct 6.68%
order 5.93%
begin 4.06%
refer 3.57%
receive 3.21%
hold 2.72%
demand 1.66%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
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