91.   Serbs had authorized UNHCR to use a key land route through Serb checkpoints in central Bosnia into Sarajevo.

92.   Shoring up supply networks is crucial because the approaching winter will cut land routes through mountain passes on which the opposition has been forced to rely.

93.   Soldiers backed by tanks, artillery and warplanes are trying to open a land route to Jaffna Peninsula, a former rebel stronghold.

94.   Shipping agencies all along the river are seeking alternate land routes using trains and trucks, Frank said, but that is more expensive.

95.   Since May, government troops have been trying to capture a vital road link through the northern mainland to clear a land route to the isolated Jaffna peninsula.

96.   South Korea is part of a peninsula, and its only land route is through North Korea.

97.   The acting U.S. ambassador to Bosnia, John Menzies, arrived in Sarajevo on Wednesday via a treacherous land route.

98.   That prompted the Serbs to close the only land route allowing Sarajevans to travel to and from the city.

99.   Supplies in the city itself improved markedly last summer, when Serbs allowed the opening of the land route to commercial traffic.

100.   Talks opened last October but the three rounds so far have focussed on economic issues and the opening of a land route to Jaffna.

n. + route >>共 562
escape 9.22%
supply 8.44%
parade 6.17%
land 5.84%
transit 3.72%
air 3.66%
bus 3.19%
pass 2.26%
pipeline 1.82%
access 1.76%
land + n. >>共 628
dispute 4.03%
route 3.90%
price 3.51%
deal 3.12%
use 2.97%
ownership 2.91%
sale 2.73%
right 2.56%
claim 2.22%
owner 2.11%
每页显示:    共 208