91.   PAL was temporarily shut down last year because of labor unrest and mounting losses.

92.   PAL has been beleaguered by large financial losses and labor unrest.

93.   Parliament opens debate on the budget Thursday, possibly launching another round of labor unrest.

94.   Premier Costas Simitis is pushing through a sweeping privatization and public sector reform plan despite widespread labor unrest.

95.   President Kim has been warning the workers that recurring labor unrest would chase off foreign investment, which he says is the only medicine to cure the economy.

96.   President to meet opposition leaders on labor unrest.

97.   Philippine Airlines closed for several weeks last year because of labor unrest and massive losses.

98.   Peter Reith said Asian coal buyers may seek new suppliers because of the labor unrest and possible interruption in supplies.

99.   A similar bill was shelved earlier this year in the face of nationwide labor unrest.

100.   A strict austerity plan also could trigger labor unrest.

n. + unrest >>共 69
labor 60.46%
student 8.28%
worker 4.76%
year 2.07%
peasant 1.45%
fear 1.24%
campus 1.24%
player 1.24%
prison 1.24%
weekend 1.04%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
每页显示:    共 290