91.   The bureau did not survey residents in dormitory settings, like farm labor camps, military barracks, colleges or prisons.

92.   The father went west from the Texas cotton patches in the Depression years, and with his wife, Arwanda, raised his children in migrant labor camps.

93.   The interrogations focused on television documentaries he had made about conditions in Chinese labor camps, Wu said, and he won some points and lost some points.

94.   The first was an S.S. labor camp in Trawniki, where prosecutors said Sawchuk was an armed guard.

95.   The labor camps force people to produce products and goods sold throughout the world, although it violates laws of the United States and other countries, he said.

96.   The list could also include Liu Nianchun, a labor activist serving three years in a labor camp who is said to be in very bad health.

97.   The labor camp was liquidated by Nazi forces as the Russian army approached.

98.   The other, accused of supporting subversive activities, was sent without trial to a labor camp for two years.

99.   The remaining Herero were rounded up and sent to labor camps, where they starved or died of overwork, typhus and smallpox.

100.   The scenes set in the labor camp, where Franta is definitely both sadder and wiser, feature a restraint the rest of the film lacks.

n. + camp >>共 500
refugee 44.93%
labor 5.81%
death 5.80%
summer 5.63%
detention 3.90%
army 2.68%
rebel 2.03%
tent 1.47%
transit 1.16%
internment 1.05%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
每页显示:    共 479