91.   Armaos became famous for bending iron bars, lifting weights and moving trucks.

92.   Armed with clubs, iron bars and tree branches, the miners, protesting falling living standards, stormed government headquarters and battled with security forces.

93.   Armed with sticks, knives and iron bars, they stoned passing vehicles and started bonfires.

94.   As he left the block, he saw Tadic, carrying a bloody iron bar, walking away from him, Grozdanic claimed.

95.   Attackers in northwest Bosnia hit him on the head with an iron bar that gave him a black eye and a gash above his temple.

96.   Brandishing sticks and iron bars, men, women and children manned roadblocks in a haze of smoke and tear gas.

97.   But critics of Taheri disrupted the worship by heckling and throwing an iron bar and other objects at the senior cleric.

98.   But it said he had struck his victim on the head with an iron bar.

99.   Catia inmates, many standing bare-chested behind iron bars in the tropical heat, waved to the pope with T-shirts and small Venezuela flags.

100.   Critics of Taheri disrupted the service by heckling and throwing an iron bar and other objects at the senior cleric.

n. + bar >>共 466
iron 11.63%
candy 10.38%
steel 4.81%
sport 4.64%
karaoke 4.18%
sushi 3.31%
hotel 3.10%
menu 2.64%
juice 1.42%
granola 1.38%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
每页显示:    共 276