91.   Deutsche Bank AG left no doubts about its future in investment banking in naming Rolf-Ernst Breuer to be its next chief executive.

92.   Deutsche Bank has openly sought an acquisition in the United States to make a breakthrough into investment banking.

93.   Deutsche Bank said it expects investment banking, through its London-based Deutsche Morgan Grenfell unit, to make greater contributions to earnings.

94.   Deutsche Bank, like other big German banks, engages in both commercial and investment banking.

95.   Donald H. Layton, the other co-head of investment banking, will take over the retail bank.

96.   Dozens of banks and many securities firms are looking at marriages as regulatory walls separating commercial and investment banking erode.

97.   Dresdner Bank AG said its head of investment banking, Hansgeorg Hofmann, resigned effective immediately after admitting he failed to pay enough income tax.

98.   Dresdner has made no secret of its ambition to expand in investment banking.

99.   During the height of his career, he took courses in investment banking.

100.   Earlier this week, Swiss Bank Corp. and Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan Ltd. said will form a global alliance targeting asset management and investment banking.

n. + banking >>共 69
investment 63.23%
retail 10.72%
mortgage 3.76%
branch 2.37%
telephone 2.23%
computer 1.67%
internet 1.53%
mitigation 0.84%
blood 0.70%
business 0.56%
investment + n. >>共 468
bank 10.06%
banker 8.26%
firm 5.00%
fund 4.79%
banking 2.98%
company 2.84%
trust 2.82%
opportunity 2.45%
scheme 2.40%
adviser 2.09%
每页显示:    共 451