91.   Last month, his government came under intense criticism after police and protesters clashed in the southern Aksu district, killing five people and injuring scores of others.

92.   Local media said that the expanding prosecution investigation could reach former President Kim Young-sam, the target of intense public criticism for his handling of the economy.

93.   Mainassara became president last week under intense criticism.

94.   Mbeki has also come under intense criticism for publicly questioning the link between HIV and AIDS.

95.   Mexico has come under intense criticism for failing to curb the drug trade.

96.   NATO has come under intense criticism for shying away from detaining Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and Bosnian Serb military leader Gen. Ratko Mladic.

97.   Russia has come in for intense international criticism for the assault.

98.   Strict media curbs have also been passed by the parliament amid intense criticism but have not been signed into law by Mugabe.

99.   Thailand has come under intense criticism from foreign countries and human rights groups for sending hundreds of Karen men, women and children back to Burma last week.

100.   The cancellation followed intense criticism of the pilots union by the business and tourism sector associations.

a. + criticism >>共 663
international 6.83%
sharp 6.41%
public 4.82%
harsh 4.74%
strong 4.30%
widespread 3.91%
heavy 3.29%
growing 2.40%
intense 2.20%
mounting 2.18%
intense + n. >>共 1070
pressure 12.49%
competition 5.42%
scrutiny 3.44%
heat 3.00%
debate 2.72%
negotiation 2.61%
interest 2.21%
criticism 2.12%
effort 1.78%
medium 1.66%
每页显示:    共 137