91.   An explosive device fired at a security patrol vehicle in north Belfast on Thursday, injured a soldier slightly, the army said.

92.   An army officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the tribesmen shot arrows at a group of troops, injuring three soldiers.

93.   An Israeli army statement said that three Israeli soldiers were slightly injured in the clashes.

94.   An Israeli soldier was injured after what the army said was an attempt by the van to run the roadblock.

95.   An Israeli soldier was injured by a stone.

96.   An Israeli soldier was injured in the blast.

97.   An Israeli soldier was injured lightly from Palestinian gunfire shot toward a military outpost near the Palestinian town of Rafah, the army said.

98.   An Israeli soldier was injured slightly by stones in Tulkarem and a second soldier suffered slight injuries near Bethlehem.

99.   An American CIA officer was killed in the fighting, and U.S. soldiers were injured by a bomb that missed its intended target.

100.   An American military vehicle hit a land mine near here Saturday injuring one soldier, the first casualty of American intervention in Bosnia.

v. + soldier >>共 419
kill 25.29%
wound 12.64%
injure 5.86%
send 2.02%
shoot 1.52%
include 1.46%
deploy 1.43%
accuse 1.37%
see 1.27%
arrest 1.22%
injure + n. >>共 352
people 25.24%
soldier 5.22%
policeman 4.06%
person 3.26%
man 2.52%
knee 2.29%
officer 2.10%
civilian 2.07%
woman 2.04%
dozen 1.99%
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