91.   Radio reports said at least seven civilians were injured and Zamboanga Mayor Maria Clara Lobregat said at least one bystander was apparently killed.

92.   Seeking to defuse tension in volatile southern Lebanon, truce monitors decided Monday to inspect a village where six Lebanese civilians were injured by Israeli shelling.

93.   Seven artillery shells fired by the Bosnian Srebs exploded in Bihac, a Serb-surrounded enclave in northwest Bosnia, injuring two civilians, Coward said.

94.   Several civilians were injured, apparently by a grenade that went astray and exploded well away from the fighting.

95.   Six Indian civilians were also injured by Pakistani mortar fire.

96.   Seven artillery shells fired by the Bosnian Serbs exploded in Bihac, a Serb-surrounded enclave in northwest Bosnia, injuring two civilians, Coward said.

97.   Seven civilians were slightly injured in the accident, but no fatalities were reported.

98.   Seven more civilians were injured in other shelling, the Bosnian health ministry said.

99.   Simultaneously, a time bomb went off at an Istanbul coffee house injuring three civilians, NTV said.

100.   Taliban fighters said two civilians were injured by shrapnel, but reported no military casualties and said no ground had been gained or lost.

v. + civilian >>共 335
kill 30.76%
wound 8.89%
target 5.25%
injure 5.14%
protect 3.59%
attack 3.18%
include 2.09%
shoot 1.43%
massacre 1.35%
harm 1.30%
injure + n. >>共 352
people 25.24%
soldier 5.22%
policeman 4.06%
person 3.26%
man 2.52%
knee 2.29%
officer 2.10%
civilian 2.07%
woman 2.04%
dozen 1.99%
每页显示:    共 232