91.   Legislation to improve pipeline safety and protect heavily populated regions and the environment is now stalled in Congress.

92.   Lawmakers have an obligation to conduct a thorough inquiry into how safety might be improved.

93.   Lessons from the Mir crisis are already promising to improve its safety, scientists say.

94.   Like Gil, he is an Air Line Pilots Association official working to improve safety.

95.   Martin said a mine safety review team will report back to the government early next year with recommendations to improve safety.

96.   Maybe this will improve safety, making them less likely to build wreckshaws.

97.   Mehl said that the league is working hard to improve safety.

98.   Micron and the Federal Aviation Administration agreed to build a passenger and luggage tracking system to improve airline safety.

99.   More attention is focused on the spiraling costs of construction projects than on the need to improve job safety and reduce injuries and fatalities.

100.   Most of the construction projects were designed to keep out cold and wind from homes and improve safety.

v. + safety >>共 366
improve 10.63%
guarantee 10.34%
ensure 10.24%
seek 4.32%
reach 2.46%
threaten 2.43%
jeopardize 2.02%
play 1.95%
endanger 1.76%
assure 1.73%
improve + n. >>共 696
relation 6.26%
condition 3.79%
quality 3.53%
tie 3.35%
performance 3.28%
service 2.71%
security 2.59%
efficiency 2.55%
life 2.10%
safety 2.08%
每页显示:    共 330