91.   Witnesses told The Associated Press that hundreds of people fled into the streets after hearing at least one explosion.

92.   Four Moslem fighters were killed on Friday and at least nine others have been wounded in the fighting which has caused hundreds to flee their homes.

93.   He survived an RPF raid on the Saint Famille church where hundreds of Rwandans fled to during the peak of the recent fighting.

94.   Hundreds of Albanians fled however they could.

95.   Hundreds of people fled the camp after the rebels had taken the airport following days of intense shelling.

96.   Hundreds of residents fled after locking their homes to escape possible fighting between Parray and his opponents Friday.

97.   Hundreds have fled the capital, while an unspecified number of civilians are also believed to have been injured.

98.   Hundreds more fled the advancing troops, fleeing across Serb held mountainous terrain to central Bosnia and safety.

99.   Hundreds of inhabitants fled their homes in the attack.

100.   Hundreds of people fled their homes Thursday after an earthquake jolted parts of Bangladesh and India, officials in the two countries said.

n. + flee >>共 570
thousand 5.36%
resident 4.94%
refugee 4.88%
people 4.46%
gunman 4.06%
man 3.85%
attacker 3.73%
investor 3.60%
family 3.46%
assailant 3.14%
hundred 2.41%
hundred + v. >>共 647
be 17.70%
die 4.87%
gather 4.45%
flee 2.38%
line 2.24%
attend 1.93%
march 1.68%
take 1.68%
remain 1.55%
join 1.20%
每页显示:    共 114