91.   But environmental organizations say the ecological consequences for agriculture, fauna, wetlands and climate could be serious, in addition to the human suffering.

92.   But the realities of international power politics require a style that can seem callous when issues of monumental human suffering are involved.

93.   But the realities of international power politics require a style which can seem callous when issues of monumental human suffering are involved.

94.   Croatian military advances have led to abuses and added to human suffering in the former Yugoslavia, a top CIA official told a hearing on war crimes Wednesday.

95.   It lauded the efforts of those who report on human suffering.

96.   Kelmendi she never expected to confront the human suffering and death that she witnessed in Kosovo during the Serb crackdown earlier this year.

97.   Many came with a blind eye toward the cost in human suffering.

98.   On Capitol Hill, a senior CIA official testified that Croatian military advances have led to abuses and added to human suffering in the former Yugoslavia.

99.   Russia argues that any overhaul of sanctions must address the lifting of sanctions that critics say are responsible for human suffering in Iraq.

100.   The camps were filled with vivid scenes of human suffering and need.

a. + suffering >>共 238
human 14.63%
widespread 3.79%
jewish 3.66%
unnecessary 3.39%
great 2.71%
terrible 2.44%
palestinian 2.30%
civilian 2.30%
physical 2.03%
needless 1.76%
human + n. >>共 1015
life 3.11%
body 2.93%
remains 2.45%
shield 2.19%
embryo 2.17%
error 2.08%
genome 1.88%
cell 1.46%
brain 1.33%
resource 1.33%
suffering 0.55%
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