91.   Most analysts and industry executives expect the decision to be stayed, either by Kendall or by a higher court.

92.   Microsoft is expected to appeal the decision to a higher court.

93.   Nearly all had lost their appeals to higher courts, meaning that the judiciary had found that the system worked just fine.

94.   No one has yet been executed and every appeal to reach higher courts so far has been successful.

95.   Now the sentence has to go to a still higher court of five judges.

96.   Officials at Colgate declined to say if they would appeal the ruling to a higher court.

97.   Others, who lived in places where judges were reluctant to grant such adoptions without the clear blessing of a higher court, simply had to watch and wait.

98.   One of his lawyers, Felix Garza Martinez, said he would appeal to a higher military court and to civilian courts if necessary.

99.   Petrobras said it was unlikely to lose the lawsuit when it goes to higher courts.

100.   Owners then must decide whether to accept the verdict, ask for a stay of execution or appeal to a higher court.

a. + court >>共 576
federal 21.24%
lower 7.20%
state 7.20%
military 5.51%
higher 2.31%
special 1.89%
constitutional 1.81%
international 1.59%
local 1.50%
open 1.31%
higher + n. >>共 561
price 9.70%
rate 9.29%
cost 3.86%
level 3.19%
tax 2.43%
wage 2.40%
yield 2.11%
return 2.03%
profit 1.62%
court 1.49%
每页显示:    共 449