91.   It should help every worker who has lost his job.

92.   Rajasekaran said today there was a need to set up a special fund to help retrenched workers.

93.   Solidarity national chairman Marian Krzaklewski told the rally that the union will demand that the government come up with solutions to help the workers.

94.   The Bush administration has not yet named anyone to head the Energy Department office responsible for helping workers suffering from chemical exposure.

95.   The determination could help workers considering a lawsuit against the railroad.

96.   The focus will be on helping workers and employers adapt to a new, global economy.

97.   The focus will be to help workers and employers adapt to a new global economy.

98.   The government responded with promises to help jobless workers and to conduct crackdowns on illegal immigrants, whom labor unions blame with taking jobs from Hong Kong workers.

99.   The government is considering steps to increase competitiveness among companies and help young workers.

100.   The money is used to train workers here and to help workers who are in trouble overseas.

v. + worker >>共 980
hire 4.61%
kill 3.75%
protect 2.79%
pay 2.61%
fire 2.26%
represent 2.13%
injure 1.89%
send 1.52%
keep 1.51%
say 1.36%
help 1.20%
help + n. >>共 1102
people 4.90%
child 2.66%
victim 2.16%
dollar 1.85%
team 1.77%
company 1.67%
family 1.66%
refugee 1.46%
economy 1.24%
stock 1.20%
worker 0.65%
每页显示:    共 107