91.   Two students riding a bus and a policeman in Serb-held northeast Bosnia were wounded by gunfire near the former front line, U.N. officials said.

92.   Two men were killed and eight were wounded by gunfire during protests and looting in Quito, Guayaquil, and two smaller cities, the Red Cross said.

93.   Two other people were killed and stray gunfire also wounded five other people, Tanjug reported.

94.   Voting was proceeding peacefully there, though an Albanian guard at the Greek consulate was shot and killed overnight and two children were wounded by gunfire on Sunday morning.

95.   Witnesses also reported that a woman had been wounded by gunfire.

96.   Five people were wounded by gunfire Monday in the southern town of Vlore, the focus of violent anti-government protests, hospital sources in the town said.

97.   Four people -- including a policeman and three civilians -- were wounded by gunfire.

98.   He said he moved against the OSCE after two of his men were seriously wounded by gunfire on Friday by unknown assailants in a car leaving the OSCE compound.

99.   Hospital sources in the town had said earlier that five people were wounded by gunfire there.

100.   However, a one-year-old girl was among four Palestinians who were wounded by Israeli gunfire in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medics said.

n. + wound >>共 230
gunfire 10.11%
soldier 6.47%
shrapnel 4.29%
gunman 4.29%
people 3.80%
dozen 3.72%
guerrilla 2.83%
police 2.75%
sniper 2.27%
policeman 2.18%
gunfire + v. >>共 140
wound 11.32%
erupt 9.24%
hit 9.06%
be 8.88%
kill 6.61%
break_out 6.16%
come 3.44%
continue 3.17%
ring 2.99%
injure 2.36%
每页显示:    共 124