91.   He said the bill could not guarantee success without cooperation, commitment and understanding among everyone involved.

92.   If we make good plans and are disciplined in adhering to these plans, success is guaranteed.

93.   Now the government, dreaming of fattening its tax coffers, is betting that this passion will guarantee success for bingo, now the newest numbers game in town.

94.   Quite obviously from its many moves, Kuala Lumpur is acutely aware that funds alone will not guarantee the success of this programme.

95.   So we find four vital elements working together to guarantee success.

96.   This will help the country develop its electronics industry while guaranteeing success in a short time.

97.   He also defended the so-called stability pact, laying down fines for countries which exceed spending limits, as the best means of guaranteeing the success of EMU.

98.   Duisenberg expressed gratitude to the banking community and the retail sector, which he said had played a key role in guaranteeing the success of the monetary swap.

99.   None of us can guarantee success.

v. + success >>共 523
have 26.42%
achieve 5.13%
enjoy 4.42%
find 3.47%
claim 2.87%
attribute 2.64%
measure 2.41%
guarantee 1.90%
ensure 1.63%
follow 1.19%
guarantee + n. >>共 724
safety 9.06%
security 5.89%
right 4.91%
freedom 3.31%
success 2.78%
access 2.75%
loan 2.64%
payment 1.91%
job 1.77%
victory 1.57%
每页显示:    共 98