91.   Its grand schemes to corporatise agriculture came a cropper.

92.   Most of the allegations relate to a grand scheme to transform Malaysia, Indonesia and the predominantly Muslim southern Philippines into a single fundamentalist state.

93.   Others say it illustrates how weak accounting rules make it possible for a person with grand schemes to pile up loans without making money.

94.   One grand scheme, the Lillehammer Olympic Experience museum, turned into a colossal flop.

a. + scheme >>共 855
new 6.63%
grand 3.18%
defensive 2.91%
alleged 2.40%
similar 2.23%
such 2.16%
insurance 1.93%
offensive 1.86%
pilot 1.79%
blocking 1.45%
grand + n. >>共 840
juror 4.05%
scale 3.67%
theft 3.18%
prize 3.10%
plan 2.88%
opening 2.77%
scheme 2.56%
finale 2.04%
council 1.77%
entrance 1.66%
每页显示:    共 93