91.   The Egyptian constitution relies in large part on Sharia, or codified Islamic law, which many believe dictates that girls must wear the hijab after puberty.

92.   The incident was spurred by a decision at the Jean Monnet Junior High School to allow two Muslim girls to wear head scarves to class.

93.   The girls both wore harnesses and were attached to each other.

94.   The girls wear headscarves and attend sports classes without the boys.

95.   The girls wore towels on their heads and socks over their hands when they entered the bank Friday.

96.   The teachers are protesting a decision by the school authorities to let two Turkish girls wear head scarves in class.

97.   They started several years ago by essentially sidelining the once-feared morality police, allowing girls to wear makeup and colorful headscarves and join their boyfriends on dates.

98.   What could be simpler than Carolyn in her white leather T-shirt, her lean cashmere skirt worn below the knee, the flat scuff slippers the girls wore throughout?

99.   An Egyptian court has ruled that girls can wear the Islamic face-veil to school overturning a ban by the education ministry, legal sources said.

100.   But in poorer areas of the city and Upper Egypt many girls wear the headscarf.

n. + wear >>共 1116
woman 9.08%
man 7.43%
player 3.61%
people 3.16%
girl 2.06%
child 1.75%
member 1.42%
student 1.38%
model 1.36%
worker 1.28%
girl + v. >>共 977
be 17.64%
have 4.99%
say 2.63%
die 2.26%
go 2.11%
get 1.67%
wear 1.64%
tell 1.55%
come 1.30%
want 1.10%
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