91.   Turkmenistan is one of many unlikely countries trying to capitalize on the demand for Internet domain names and generate some income.

92.   Under the new rate structure, customers would get some price relief, and Tenneco could generate more income.

93.   Unable to open the theater, they are still waiting for various licenses and certificates that would allow them to serve food and liquor to generate income.

94.   Universities like the Bayh-Dole Act because it generates income from licensing fees and royalties, and because it gives their best scientists incentive to stay in academia.

95.   What about going a step further and investing in real estate that generates income?

96.   What new income could he generate?

97.   We went on the road to generate income.

98.   When the pay-as-you-go retirement system was initiated six decades ago, Congress assumed a large number of workers would be able to generate enough income to support retirees.

99.   Abdullah, like Hussein, wants to turn Jordan into a modern state housing industries that would generate sufficient income to reduce dependence on foreign aid and provide jobs.

100.   Another is that government projects that depend on imported raw material must generate income in foreign currency equal to the value of the imported material.

v. + income >>共 358
supplement 7.12%
generate 6.14%
have 5.93%
earn 4.52%
boost 3.80%
increase 3.58%
provide 3.03%
raise 2.47%
receive 2.30%
reduce 2.22%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
每页显示:    共 143