91.   Israeli officials in turn accused the Palestinians of stalling for time in hope of wringing further concessions out of Israel.

92.   At an informal meeting in Bologna, Italy on Thursday, EU telecommunications ministers agreed that further concessions could be necessary to secure an accord.

93.   At the same time, Grachev warned that Moscow would make no further concessions.

94.   But Baghdad on Tuesday repeated a refusal not to make any further concessions if the United Nations does not commit itself to a lifting of the embargo.

95.   Britain will go into the talks seeking to win further concessions, particularly on its right to export beef countries outside the EU.

96.   China has said that it was in agreement on continuing negotiations but warned that it would not make any further concessions.

97.   The peace blueprint rejected by the Serbs granted them almost half of Bosnian territory, and the Serbs have now been offered further concessions.

98.   The Uruguay pact obligates the country to open its rice market, while the WTO agreement will call for further trade concessions.

99.   They were believed to be seeking further concessions from the Angolan government in order to relaunch the peace process, which has largely stalled since they began last November.

100.   Yeltsin repeated his ultimatum Saturday in Moscow at a three-hour meeting of the Russian security council, which ruled out any further concession.

a. + concession >>共 459
major 8.16%
territorial 7.23%
further 5.10%
new 3.57%
significant 3.24%
political 2.73%
israeli 2.36%
important 2.32%
key 2.22%
only 2.09%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
concession 0.36%
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