91.   Pearson said that while the INS would take another look at the policy, agents already go through several procedures before releasing foreign nationals.

92.   Political contributions by foreign nationals are illegal in the United States.

93.   Related laws bar foreign nationals from contributing to these committees.

94.   Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and other Republicans want a probe of campaign contributions by foreign nationals to the Democratic Party.

95.   Still, the resignations come at an inopportune time for the Clinton administration, already under fire for accepting campaign donations from foreign nationals.

96.   Staying longer than a visa allows is against the law, but it does not prevent a foreign national who marries a U.S. citizen from getting a green card.

97.   Sun Microsystems is also considering employing foreign nationals at overseas locations instead of at its Palo Alto headquarters.

98.   Tanya Metaksa of the NRA contended Clinton would disarm foreign nationals and make them targets of criminals.

99.   That means foreign nationals involved in criminal activities would continue to be deported.

100.   The Amnesty report draws on testimony from foreign nationals who survived unimaginable cruelties at the hands of Saudi authorities and were eventually able to leave the country.

a. + national >>共 290
foreign 13.75%
french 8.64%
chinese 4.76%
japanese 4.72%
british 3.82%
pakistani 2.95%
german 2.85%
dutch 2.57%
mexican 2.57%
saudi 2.36%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
national 0.69%
每页显示:    共 394