91.   Those standards are the right to form unions and bans on child labor, forced labor and discrimination.

92.   To make his point vividly, Samet described the human meaning of forced labor under the Burmese military rulers.

93.   Traditional forms of forced labor, like slavery and bonded labor, also ensnare vast numbers of people.

94.   Under international law, the concept of slavery previously had been applied only to cases of forced labor.

95.   Unlike other Asian economic refugees, who often spend years of forced labor to pay off loans from smugglers, South Koreans usually pay cash.

96.   U.S. officials acknowledge there is a history of forced labor in Burma.

97.   Wal-Mart has a strict code of conduct that all manufacturers must follow, which prohibits the use of child or forced labor, Allen said.

98.   Wu is a Chinese-American who has worked to publicize forced labor camps in China.

99.   Others were in forced labor situations, and some were killed by the Serbs in the Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most areas, he said.

100.   Others were reportedly in forced labor situations, and some were killed by the Serbs in the Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most areas.

a. + labor >>共 1010
organized 10.38%
new 5.81%
forced 5.73%
tight 5.01%
cheap 4.04%
unfair 2.25%
skilled 1.55%
federal 1.42%
higher 1.42%
manual 1.37%
forced + n. >>共 441
labor 16.39%
repatriation 7.53%
entry 5.71%
laborer 3.42%
abortion 2.51%
fumble 2.46%
resignation 2.37%
labour 2.19%
expulsion 2.01%
prostitution 1.83%
每页显示:    共 357