91.   A former policeman, Patino owned a fleet of fishing boats which police say he used to smuggle drugs to other countries.

92.   A glow spread across the waves from the high-powered lights of squid fishing boats, beaming their searchlights onto the water.

93.   A passing fishing boat spotted the entangled craft and radioed maritime police and the military.

94.   A fleet of fishing boats that has been poaching the valuable Antarctic Toothfish all through the Southern Ocean has been sighted in Australian waters, officials said Monday.

95.   A glow spread across the waves from the high-powered lights of squid fishing boats beaming their searchlights onto the water.

96.   A small flotilla of fishing boats rushed to the scene, followed by scores of other vessels and British navy helicopters.

97.   A passing fishing boat first spotted the entangled craft and radioed maritime police and the military.

98.   A light, salty breeze caused their clothes to flap and flutter as fishing boats sailed by and waves lapped against the concrete barricade.

99.   A ship of the Romanian border police broke the ice which surrounded the small Serbian fishing boat and pulled the boat to safety.

100.   A Sea of Galilee fishing boat dating to the time of Jesus went on display Monday, after being submerged for nine years in rust-colored preservation fluid.

v. + boat >>共 570
fish 8.72%
use 3.55%
board 2.89%
rock 2.74%
take 2.51%
miss 2.34%
build 1.91%
intercept 1.76%
seize 1.70%
have 1.56%
fish + n. >>共 378
boat 15.36%
right 9.61%
ground 4.88%
vessel 3.15%
net 3.15%
trip 2.49%
line 2.19%
quota 1.93%
dispute 1.73%
village 1.73%
每页显示:    共 300