91.   Why the father went mad.

92.   Your father goes in for short-notice heart surgery.

93.   Your father went on with his life, which is a perfectly legitimate thing to do.

94.   Peterson has family in East Tennessee, and his father went to Tennessee.

95.   After my father had gone, she did not want to eat.

96.   But for three months, his father went every day to the rubble, looking for his boy and the children of others.

97.   Green learned his work habits watching his father go to work every day at a car dealership and his mother at a sportswear factory.

98.   Hardiyanti, better known as Mbak Tutut, said yesterday that her father should not go ahead with his planned trip.

99.   Her father went out with a dog team that night, and was terrified when it led searchers to a road.

100.   His father had gone to sea the day after Thanksgiving aboard a submarine tender.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
people 1.60%
money 1.59%
team 1.36%
bomb 1.26%
case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
father 0.17%
father + v. >>共 546
be 28.80%
die 4.34%
say 3.51%
have 3.22%
work 2.17%
tell 1.66%
do 1.55%
take 1.46%
go 1.14%
come 1.12%
每页显示:    共 121