91.   The executive board will be made up of a president, a vice president and up to four other board members.

92.   The fee was twice what he had received for the previous contract, and the award had been approved only by several veteran officials on the executive board.

93.   The executive board gave Pastor Bethune eight minutes to explain why his church ordained a gay deacon.

94.   The executive board of the National Basketball Coaches Association implied Monday that it may take legal action to prevent the league from forcing coaches to wear microphones.

95.   The executive board will convene by telephone conference call at noon Thursday.

96.   The executive boards of both companies have considered merging and decided that it must be the eventual goal, even though nobody talks publicly about it.

97.   The disbursement to South Korea, being considered by the IMF executive board today, would come ahead of schedule.

98.   The highest-ranking IOC member linked to the Salt Lake scandal is Kim Un-Yong, a member of the executive board.

99.   The homeowners executive board met Tuesday and voted against the project.

100.   The executive board had voted him a raise and an extension without gaining permission of the rank and file, players say on the tape.

a. + board >>共 875
executive 9.28%
canvassing 5.36%
advisory 4.93%
new 4.39%
supervisory 3.81%
state 3.41%
cutting 3.33%
corporate 2.78%
editorial 2.49%
local 1.83%
executive + n. >>共 238
director 34.65%
committee 8.10%
producer 7.47%
board 5.95%
branch 4.59%
editor 2.71%
chairman 2.68%
power 2.39%
chef 1.43%
suite 1.43%
每页显示:    共 600