91.   Some analysts believe this will spawn greater demands for Congress to erect protectionist barriers to keep foreign goods out of the country.

92.   Students closed off the streets around the hostel Sunday, erecting barriers of tires and barbed wire.

93.   Students closed off the streets around the hostel that police had stormed Friday, erecting barriers of tires and barbed wire.

94.   The barriers would be erected on the Adriatic seabed near the entrance to the Venetian lagoon.

95.   The barrier was erected to enforce a closure of the West Bank, which bars most Palestinians from entering Israel.

96.   The barriers have been erected off and on since September.

97.   The Clinton administration today accused Mexico and seven other nations of erecting unfair barriers to keep American telecommunication companies out of their markets.

98.   The final version of the amendment must not erect barriers against international trade and investment between Thailand and other countries.

99.   The police said cars would be banned from parking in front of schools and barriers would be erected.

100.   Those security methods that erect barriers by scrambling messages can be unscrambled by using computers to speed through the multitude of possibilities.

v. + barrier >>共 231
remove 11.68%
lower 7.31%
erect 6.48%
break 5.09%
reduce 4.98%
eliminate 4.76%
break_down 2.77%
overcome 2.71%
lift 2.71%
dismantle 2.55%
erect + n. >>共 283
barricade 12.51%
barrier 8.98%
tent 6.60%
roadblock 5.07%
fence 4.07%
monument 3.07%
statue 2.76%
wall 2.53%
memorial 2.15%
building 2.15%
每页显示:    共 116