91.   Under the contract signed Tuesday, two exploratory wells will be drilled within three years, the ITAR-Tass news agency said.

92.   Wells are being drilled, but the water is not there.

93.   Workers on Sunday drilled more wells designed to vent the gas trapped below the city.

94.   Work is under way to drill more wells in the region, which is considered one of the most promising undeveloped natural gas fields in Russia.

95.   If the results of the drilling are positive, Oxy will drill another well to firm up reserve estimates.

96.   Two wells will be drilled while seismological and geological studies will be carried out over six months.

97.   Matonse said China had also agreed to finance a programme to drill water wells mainly in rural villages throughout the country.

98.   The deal will initially allow BP to drill wells to establish the location and size of known reserves and find new fields in the In Salah region.

99.   The Japanese company has contracted to drill three wells over a three-year period.

v. + well >>共 172
drill 13.08%
dig 12.15%
make 8.45%
serve 5.42%
wish 4.23%
have 3.43%
know 2.91%
poison 2.51%
sink 2.11%
contaminate 1.85%
drill + n. >>共 188
hole 29.00%
well 14.00%
shot 4.81%
ball 3.82%
student 1.70%
double 1.56%
single 1.56%
rig 1.41%
company 1.13%
three 1.13%
每页显示:    共 98