91.   Besides rain showers this afternoon there is a distinct possibility that thunderstorms will develop especially over the mountainous interior of Puerto Rico.

92.   Bruguera is favored, but a Kuerten victory strikes some as a distinct possibility.

93.   Devaluing the rupee is a distinct possibility, in an effort to reverse a drop in exports.

94.   Europeans now find it hard to believe that impeachment of President Bill Clinton is a distinct possibility.

95.   For those with a hopeless sense of direction, this has distinct possibilities.

96.   Hard-liners have a slight majority in the Majlis, making eventual impeachment a distinct possibility.

97.   He said more goals were a distinct possibility.

98.   However, with a forecast that called for heavy showers again Saturday, there was a distinct possibility of another rain-shortened tournament.

99.   IMG football operations manager Bernie Mandich said there was a distinct possibility that the forward could quit the game altogether.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
distinct + n. >>共 649
possibility 6.02%
advantage 4.99%
personality 2.96%
group 2.22%
difference 1.93%
minority 1.88%
impression 1.83%
culture 1.68%
style 1.48%
disadvantage 1.48%
每页显示:    共 121