91.   Russian patrol boats have fired upon Japanese fishing vessels operating in the waters near the four disputed islands and have detained Japanese fishermen.

92.   Russian patrol boats in recent months have fired upon Japanese fishing vessels that stray too close to the disputed islands and their rich fishing grounds.

93.   Suisho Island is one of a group of four disputed islands east of Hokkaido seized by Soviet forces at the end of World War II.

94.   Taiwan asked Japan Monday to honor an understanding that both sides can fish the waters around a disputed island chain and that arguments over sovereignty should be temporarily shelved.

95.   Taiwanese and Hong Kong protesters in fishing boats evaded Japanese coast guard vessels Monday and landed on disputed islands in the East China Sea.

96.   Suzuki said the coast guard maintains air and sea patrols around the disputed islands.

97.   The accord gave the disputed islands to Yemen.

98.   Taiwan asked Japan Wednesday to honor an understanding that both sides can fish the waters around a disputed island chain and that arguments over sovereignty should be temporarily shelved.

99.   Taiwanese nationalists said Sunday they planned another protest trip to Japanese-held disputed islands in the East China Sea, this time by helicopter.

100.   Tang reminded Tokyo it has promised to negotiate the status of disputed East China Sea islands.

a. + island >>共 779
caribbean 8.48%
small 5.57%
mediterranean 5.19%
disputed 4.13%
tiny 3.92%
pacific 3.53%
southern 3.14%
divided 2.27%
nationalist 2.11%
remote 2.04%
disputed + n. >>共 416
border 11.15%
island 7.70%
area 7.22%
region 7.11%
territory 7.03%
election 4.62%
land 4.20%
state 3.64%
city 2.83%
site 2.65%
每页显示:    共 286