91.   What causes the problem, and could it be fixed by the time production machines and disks are available, perhaps early next year?

92.   When a disk is initially inserted, DiskCataloger will ask if the disk is to be used on one computer or more than one.

93.   When the disk is full, plug in another.

94.   While the disks are digital, connections to the television set are analog, leaving a possible loophole in the future.

95.   But MO disks have been slow to gain popularity because of their higher price and a lack of common standards.

96.   Curling is a game played on ice by two teams of four players each in which a large, heavy disk is slid toward a target circle.

97.   Disks are a hallmark of young stars and are believed to be regions of planet formation.

98.   DVD movie disks are nothing new.

99.   Once the disk is empty, the recording process can begin again.

100.   Such disks are illegal in this Southeast Asian country.

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