91.   Though a vaccine has been developed specifically for FIP, Weaver seldom recommends it because the disease is so uncommon.

92.   Until an effective vaccine is developed, experts say, the best approach is simply to keep mosquitoes from biting people.

93.   Until an effective vaccine is developed, there is no hope for eradicating the disease.

94.   Until now, efforts to develop vaccines for the virus that causes AIDS have been largely unsuccessful, hampered by costs and complicated research.

95.   Van Kooyk suggested that scientists might find a way to use the molecule to develop a vaccine.

96.   When a drug company spends millions to develop a vaccine, it wants an economic return.

97.   Whether a vaccine must be developed against specific strains of HIV to be effective is not yet clear, Panicali said.

98.   While many of the big drug companies doing AIDS research once endeavored to develop a vaccine for HIV, several have abandoned that quest.

99.   With Francis he helped develop commercial vaccines against flu, work considered an important contribution to the war effort.

100.   Within a few months, the Blumberg team had developed a vaccine for this killer disease.

v. + vaccine >>共 190
develop 13.74%
make 8.55%
test 5.11%
receive 4.58%
use 4.49%
give 4.23%
produce 3.70%
take 3.26%
get 3.08%
administer 2.29%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
plan 2.27%
product 2.16%
system 2.13%
drug 2.06%
software 1.81%
program 1.80%
weapon 1.54%
reputation 1.53%
cancer 1.38%
vaccine 0.93%
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